![Frederiksborg Castle Frederiksborg Castle](/thumbs/dknov982.jpg)
Frederiksborg Castle, Hillerød, Denmark (Nov. 1998).
![Great Wall Great Wall](/thumbs/gw1.jpg)
Badaling Great Wall, a nice view (Dec. 1999).
![Beijing Beijing](/thumbs/bj1.jpg)
A city view of Beijing, China, on a good day.
![toilet controls toilet controls](/thumbs/jptoiletctrl.jpg)
Controls for a Japanese toilet, the possibilities are endless.
![seal seal](/thumbs/seal.jpg)
Seals are still cute, even up close. Taken at Sea World California (April 2004).
![dolphin dolphin](/thumbs/dolphin.jpg)
A dancing dolphin, at Sea World California (April 2004).
![Legoland lego_rest](/thumbs/lego_rest.jpg)
Resting after a long day at Legoland California (April 2004).
![coastal coastal](/thumbs/coastal.jpg)
Along the California Coastal Highway (April 2004).
![seagull seagull](/thumbs/seagull.jpg)
A seagull poses for a picture with the Golden Gate bridge as it's backdrop (April 2004).
![Half Dome half_dome](/thumbs/half_dome.jpg)
Half Dome is just one of the many tall, sheer mountains surrounding the Yosemite valley. To understand
just how tall they are, look for the deer standing at the bottom (April 2004).
![tall trees tall_trees](/thumbs/tall_trees.jpg)
Looking up from the forest floor (April 2004).
![desert mountains desert_mnts](/thumbs/desert_mnts.jpg)
Hot and cold meet at the Sierra Nevadas near Death Vally (April 2004).
![Death Valley death_valley](/thumbs/death_valley.jpg)
Death Valley (April 2004).
![history history](/thumbs/history.jpg)
Millions of years of history are marked in the layers of Death Valley (April 2004).
![ravens ravens](/thumbs/ravens.jpg)
Scavengers wait patiently for something that can't survive in the desert (April 2004).