China Photos

Page 13 of 19 -- Index: [ 1-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 | 61-80 | 81-100 | 101-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180 | 181-200 | 201-220 | 221-240 | 241-260 | 261-280 | 281-300 | 301-320 | 321-340 | 341-360 | 361-372 ]
tower 14
tower 14
200 yuan, that's nothing, I'll pay the fine!
200 yuan, that's nothing, I'll pay the fine!
the guard that is to keep us from passing the no entry point
the guard that is to keep us from passing the no entry point
looking through tower 15
looking through tower 15
still sleeping
still sleeping
there is another guard
there is another guard

Published: 11-24-2007
Generated by
Web Photo Publisher