China Photos

Page 18 of 19 -- Index: [ 1-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 | 61-80 | 81-100 | 101-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180 | 181-200 | 201-220 | 221-240 | 241-260 | 261-280 | 281-300 | 301-320 | 321-340 | 341-360 | 361-372 ]
Beijing traffic (near ring 4)
Beijing traffic (near ring 4)
looks like they specialize in camel and beef
looks like they specialize in camel and beef
Shatan Hotel
Shatan Hotel
Dragon Seal wine is actually quite good
Dragon Seal wine is actually quite good
Departure day
Departure day
fresh cabbage market
fresh cabbage market
Shatan Daijie, the hutong where our hotel was located
Shatan Daijie, the hutong where our hotel was located
Shatan Hotel
Shatan Hotel

Published: 11-24-2007
Generated by
Web Photo Publisher